A Look Back at Shark Fights 17 from Frisco, TX

July was a busy month for MMA in the DFW, and it featured the Metroplex’s debut Shark Fights event. Having built a solid reputation as a quality promotion out West, Shark Fights showed North Texas fans their money’s worth by putting together a great card of local and national talent. TXMMA’s Matt Little, Lindsey Angelone, and Veronica Cortez covered the event, and as always produced great results.

Click here to see the photo gallery provided by Veronica Cortez


Here is Matt Little’s play-by-play of the action at Shark Fights 17.

Featherweight (Scheduled for 3 rounds)
Jay Flores vs Matt Hobar (Octagon MMA)

Round 1
Matt “The Crowbar” Hobar seems to be the crowd favorite as the fight starts.  Both fighters are tentative to initiate the strikes. Hobar ducks under a hook and hits a nice double leg and passes to side control.  He moves to the mount and Flores rolls giving up his back.  Hobar sinks his hooks in and is landing some shots to the side of the head.  Flores rolls but he’s not out of danger yet. Hobar sinks in a deep rear naked choke and forces Flores to tap early in round 1.
Official Decision: Matt Hobar wins via tapout to a rear naked choke.

Featherweight (Scheduled for 3 rounds)
Victor Hernandez (Team H.I.T.) vs Quaint Kempf (Octagon MMA)

Round 1
Kempf shoots immediately pushing Hernandez against the fence.  Hernandez defends the takedown and fights for a standing kimura. Kempf hits a nice reversal takdown and lands in the full guard.  Kempf is in deep trouble as Hernandez has sunk in an armbar.  Kempf tries toelevate and slam his way out of the armbar but he is forced to tap.  This fight ends very early (1:06) in round 1.
Official Decision: Victor Hernandez wins via tapout to an armbar.
180lb Catchweight (Scheduled for 3 rounds)
Gabe Vasquez (Martial Arts Athletic Center) vs Russell Brewer (Octagon MMA)
Round 1
Brewer lands a nasty leg kick to open the round.  Brewer rushes catches a kick and hits a takedown.  He passes to sidecontrol and they are near the fence. Russell is working the body trying to free an overhook on his head.  Vasquez will not let go and is taking a beating to the body. Brewer is free and moves to the mount.  Vasquez shows his back and Brewer takes the back mount with hooks.  He finishes the round with some shots to the head.

Round 2
Brewer lands a nice body kick.  Vasquez ducks under a hook and hits a takedown near the fence.  He is working to pass but Brewer is using the fence to stand back up.  Brewer has reversed positions and hits a big takedown and is working from side control.  He moves to the mount.  Vasquez looks to have his hands full on the ground.  Brewer hits a head and arm choke and Vasquez is trying to hang on.  Vasquez manages to grab half guard which forces Brewer to give up on the choke.  Brewer works to the back and has Vasquez in a crucifix but the round ends before he can finish.

Round 3
Brewer has been dominant so Vasquez will need a finish to win this fight.  Brewer lands a nice push kick and smothers Vasquez against the fence.  Vasquez drops down and shows his back.  Brewer again working from the back mount and has Vasquez in bigf trouble.  Brewer landing a lot of strikes here and forces a stoppage early (1:05) in round 3.
Official Decision: Russell Brewer wins via TKO (strikes)
Welterweight (Scheduled for 3 rounds)
Alan Joubain (10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu) vs Andrew Goldthwaite (Octagon MMA)
Round 1
Joubain grabs a body lock and hits a trip landing in side control to open the round.  He moves to the north-south position and looks to be setting up a choke. Goldthwaite is up and lands a trip but Joubain scrambles and lands back in the north-south position.  Joubain moves into the half guard.  Goldthwaite stands but gives up his back.  Joubain has both hooks in but Goldthwaite rolls and Joubain is now working from the mount.  Joubain sets up a mounted triangle and rolls to his back. The round ends with Joubain unable to finish the triangle but landed some nice elbows.  Very dominant round for Alan Joubain.

Round 2
Goldthwaite starts the round working his stand-up and tries to even this fight up.  His stand-up is looking very good so far.  Joubain lands a nice inside leg kick that almost drops Goldthwaite.  Both guys are clinching near the fence.  Joubain is swarming with shots against the fence.  Goldthwaite appears to be hurt.  Joubain lands a shot that drops a defenseless Goldthwaite that almost appears to be looking for a way out of the fight.  The round ends with Joubain on top landing shots.

Round 3
Joubain clinches and takes down Goldthwaite.  Golthwaite manages to reverse him but Joubain is working an effective rubber guard off of his back.  Golthwaite doesn’t have an answer here.  The action has stalled and the referee stands up both fighters.  Joubain swings wildly and lands a right cross following by a big left hook that floors Goldthwaite.  He lands another shot on the ground and the referee steps in.
Official Decision: Alan Joubain wins via TKO stoppage (strikes)
Featherweight (Scheduled 3 rounds)
Erik Perez (Jackson’s MMA) vs Doug Frey (Mohler Jiu-Jitsu)
Round 1
Both fighters trade kicks early to start round 1.  They both seem content to keep this fight standing and look very comfortable trading in the center of the cage. Frey wants to clinch but Perez manages to slip out each time.  Perez manages to hit a takedown and has taken Frey’s back.  He works a trip and has sunk a deep rearn naked choke.  Frey manages to slip out and land in the guard but Perez hits an armbar.  Frey carefully works free and looks for guillotine.  Perez slips out and takes the back and lands in the mount.  Frey rolls and shows his back.  Frey staves off another rear naked choke but is not out of trouble.  Perez finishes the round landing some shots.  Very strong showing for Perez in round 1.

Round 2
Frey looks slow to start round 2 and seems to possibly be worn down from defending much of the 1st round.  Perez is fresh and bouncing around.  He grabs Frey and has him in a Thai clinch but Frey lands a takedown.  Frey looks for the guillotine and locks in a very deep choke, drops to his back in closed guard but Perez sneaks out.  Both fighters have shown great submission defense thus far.  Perez working now from Frey’s open guard and is trying to pass. Both fighters are standing now.  Frey looks very tired and gives up a double leg takedown with little defense.  Perez now is working from Frey’s half guard. Perez has now moved into the mounted position and Frey is not offering much defense.  Frey rolls and gives up his back to avoid damage.  Perez locks in a body triangle and is looking for another rear naked choke.  Frey is able to escape round 2.  So far Perez has won both the first and second round by our account.  Frey will need to do something big in round 3 to win this fight.

Round 3
Perez shoots for a double and Frey sprawls.  Frey is game and is looking for the guillotine.  He drops back into the closed guard but Perez is out.  Perez passes into Frey’s half guard and seems content to land shots from here.  Frey recomposes an open guard, now closed.  The referee stands them up.  Perez catches a kick and shoves Frey against the fence.  Perez scoops his legs and lands the takedown.  Frey manages to get back up and reverse positions.  The fights ends with Perez holding his hands up which should be a unanimous decision for him.  This is the first fight to go the distance tonight.
Official Decision: All 3 judges in favor of Erik Perez by unanimous decision.
Light Heavyweight (Scheduled 3 rounds)
Emanuel Newton (King’s MMA) vs Ilir Latifi
Round 1
Fight starts slow with both fighters tentative to commit.  The action explodes and both fighters are swingly wildly near the fence.  The figthers are clinching and the pace slows again. Newton misses a big head kick.  The round ends with both fighters clinching near the fence.  Very difficult round to score. Slight edge goes to Newton for pressing the action.

Round 2
Newton seems to be the aggressor to start the round but we are seeing much of the same from round 1.  Latifi catches a kick but cannot do anything with it.  Both fighters are free and circling in the center of the cage.  The round ends with little action.

Round 3
Newton lands a nice trip but Latifi is up immediately.  Newton still seems to be the aggressor and Latifi is content trying to counter and looking to land one big shot. Newton lands a nice, short head kick. Fighters exchange with big shots near the fence but nothing of significance lands. The action slows down again. Newton is taunting Latifi to be offensive in what has been a very slow fight. Latifi answers and lands some big body shots inside. The fighters find their distance in the center of the cage with 40 seconds left in the round. Latifi tries to punctuate the round by lunging in with some big shots. Latifi may have managed to steal this fight. I think both fighters split the 1st and 3rd round.The 2nd round was difficult to judge by our account and that will likely be the swing round.
Official Decision: Unanimous decision 29-28, 30-27, 29-28 for Ilir Latifi.
Correction…..the announcer states the unanimous decision is actually for Emanuel Newton and the crowd boo’s loudly.
230lb Catchweight (Scheduled 3 rounds)
Ricco Rodriguez vs Doug Williams
Round 1
Ricco drops for an ankle pick and lands in the guard.  Ricco passes and has Williams pressed against the fence.  Ricco looks for a head and arm triangle, threatens the armbar, now has moved to the mount position.  Williams rolls and shows his back.  Ricco sinks in a rear naked choke and Williams offers no defense.  He taps about midway into round 1.
Official Decision: Ricco Rodriguez wins via tapout (rear naked choke)
Middleweight (Scheduled 3 rounds)
Matt Horwich (10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu) vs Jake Rosholt (Team Takedown)
Round 1
Rosholt feeling out Horwich early and seems to be the aggressor to start the fight.  Both guys clinch and Rosholt presses Horwich against the fence.  Rosholt lands a nice body kick and the fighters move away from the fence.  Horwich clinches but Rosholt moves him up against the fence.  Rosholt still dictating the pace as the fight moves at a slow pace.  Rosholt shoots and Horwich pulls guard but avoids being put near the fence.  Rosholt (standing) throws punches through Horwich’s open guard. The round ends with Horwich limping back to his corner.  He may be injured from a leg kick via Rosholt.

Round 2
Horwich comes out swinging but nothing of significance lands.  Rosholt lands a nice body kick.  Rosholt gets a body clinch and is pressing Horwich against the fence.  Rosholt works a trip and is punching through the open guard of Horwich.  Horwich manages to get back up and the fighters clinch in the center of the cage.  Now against the fence Rosholt is working for an upper body clinch.  Horwich misses a wild knee and Rosholt answers with one of his own.  Both fighters paw at each other but no major damage lands for either guy.  Rosholt looks for a single and Horwich gladly drops to an open guard.  Rosholt isn’t trying to pass and seems content (standing) punching through the open guard.

Round 3
Horwich will need to make something happen here as it looks Rosholt has taken both the 1st and 2nd round.  This rematch doesn’t seem to resemble the pace of the first fight.  Horwich seems stiff and is not pressing the action thus far.

Horwich jumps guard and lands on his back as Rosholt has none of it.  Rosholt allows Horwich back up and the fighters are clinching again near the fence.
Horwich gets more active landing a few shots.  Horwich is cut over his right eye.  Horwich shoots but promptly drops back to the guard.  Horwich is back up and both are clinched near the fence.  Horwich is on his back again and Rosholt is not attempting to pass.  He lets Horwich back up.  Horwich goes for broke swinging hard, shoots in but the bell sounds to end the fight.  This should be a unanimous decision for Rosholt.
Official Decision: Judges score the fight 30-27 for Jake Rosholt
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