Houston MMA Spotlight – Shari’ Morgan of ‘Made to Win’

HOUSTON, TX, June 2, 2011 – Over the course of the last few years, there have been many individuals who have been committed to helping Houston’s MMA scene grow. From promoters, to fighters, all the way down to the fans (and occasionally even us writers and journalists), many individuals have played a part in the sport’s growth in this city through their passion and commitment. It has been that community philosophy of “rising tides raising all ships” that has made Houston MMA a beacon of light to emulate here in Texas.

In continuing with that principle, we here at TXMMA.com would like to continue highlighting individuals pivotal to the community by giving you the story of a woman by the name of Shari’ Morgan.

Born and raised in the North Houston town of Spring, TX, the twenty-seven year old Shari’ grew up participating in many different activities before finding mixed martial arts. From cheerleading and gymnastics to soccer and even poetry, she was involved in many other interests before attending her first Houston MMA show in November of 2009 (Lonestar Beatdown at the House of Blues), an event that marks the beginning of her love affair with the sport she now considers as her calling.

“When I first went, I didn’t really see as much interest. There were a lot of open seats and people didn’t really cheer as much but the fights were exciting and I knew something special was developing. From that first night, I was hooked. I knew this was the scene I wanted to be in. Over the past couple of years, it (the Houston MMA Community) has grown so much. A lot of people now are more dedicated to the sport than ever and a lot of new fans have gotten involved. I think of how much it’s grown and its really great. The scene has grown so much and everybody involved deserves everything that comes their way.”

With a desire to watch the scene continue to evolve, Shari’ has gradually integrated herself deeper and deeper in the Houston MMA Community, initially trying her hand as a ring girl and even finding love through the community with her now-boyfriend Brett Boyce, a Texas-based area promoter we’ve previously interviewed on this site.

Due to their mutual passion for the sport, Morgan and Boyce have decided to focus 100% of their professional efforts into supporting the combat sports community through Made to Win, their newly-formed business focusing on fighter management and MMA apparel.

According to Shari’, MTW was borne out of their desire to help the sport flourish. “I like to think Made to Win started out organically,” she says. “A lot of people were calling Brett asking for advice or getting tips on where to find fights. I told him one day that he was pretty much a manager to a lot of these guys already. He realized he’d enjoy trying fighter management since he already counts a lot of these guys as his friends and likes helping them out regardless. So we just brainstormed names, came up with the slogan, ‘Born to Fight, Made to Win,’ and took it from there.

As a partner in Made to Win, Shari’ counts her immediate goals for the business as finding fights for their managed clientele, developing their clothing line, and growing the business on a whole.

“I definitely want MTW to grow.  I like the one-on-one support we’ve been able to give our fighters. Each one of them, we’ve gotten to know and have the honor of calling our friends.   I feel for these guys. I want to watch them fight and I want to watch them win and I feel like the relationships we’re developing with them – no matter what happens with the company or whether they win or lose, ultimately we’re going to be friends and that bond will last a long time so I want to carry that forward. We’ll probably pick up five or ten more guys, nothing too big, and just go from there.”

As for her own role within the community, Shari’ strives to be a role model for other women that want to be involved, in any capacity. Something she looks to accomplish with the upcoming release of her own clothing line and through her website, www.sharimorgan.com.

“There are so many things women can do in this sport. You can be a ring girl, be a manager, model, or even train and fight yourself. I just want to show women that you can be wholesome and down to earth… you don’t have be really pretty or really smart to make it in this world. You just have to love what you’re doing. I’m a simple girl and being in the MMA scene is something I love, so much so that I want to make it my career. And you know what? Pursuing my passion is so much fun. Whether its MMA or anything else, when you find that something you have fun doing, and you can make it your career, I say go for it! There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.”                    


“Of course thanks to Brett and my friends who continue to be my inspiration with everything that I do. Thanks to God, my family, friends, fans, and everyone who is reading this. Make sure to keep up with Made to win and www.sharimorgan.com because we are evolving every day. Keep checking back. For the ladies, my clothing line should be coming out within the next few months and jewelry, purses, and all the other cute stuff will follow. One that’s all set up, part of the profit will definitely go to charity as a way for me to give back through the MMA scene. Thanks everyone and don’t be afraid to say if you see me at the MMA and grappling events around the city!”

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